City of Nome Parks

The City of Nome Department of Parks and Recreation oversees the management of several parks and playgrounds within City limits.  Please get out and enjoy them. 

Our parks host many company picnics and impromptu gatherings. We encourage everyone to go enjoy the outdoors as well as be responsible by helping us keep the parks clean.

Be safe, don't litter, and remember to keep your pets out of the parks. 

Title Address
Anvil City Square
Anvil City Square
Golden Beach Skate Park
Golden Beach Skate Park
Ice Rink
Ice Rink
Icy View Playground
Icy View Playground
Rotary East End Park
Rotary East End Park
Steadman Avenue Park
Steadman Park
Swanberg Dredge
Swanberg Dredge
Youth Softball Fields
Youth Softball Fields